Serum alkaline phosphatase above median value and age less than or equal to 70 years were the only risk factors approaching significance.

We did not identify statistically significant risk factors for development of major skeletal complications. Median survival from diagnosis of either MSCC or PF was 11 months (5 months from MSCC). Most events developed before treatment with zoledronic acid and/or taxotere. The actuarial risk was 44% at 4 and 5 years. MSCC or PF (4 of them developed more than one). Seventeen patients (28%) developed at least one major skeletal complication, i.e. Eighty-nine percent required external beam radiotherapy and/or radioisotopes after diagnosis of BM. Bone pain at baseline was present in 49% of patients. Six patients (10%) were alive at 5 years. Median actuarial survival after diagnosis of BM was 23 months. Twenty-nine patients (48%) received taxotere and 72% zoledronic acid after diagnosis of BM. The initial diagnosis of BM might have been made earlier. Retrospective cohort study including 61 consecutive patients seen at Nordland hospital's department of oncology between 20. The purpose of this study was to determine the risk factors for and incidence as well as prognostic impact of pathologic fracture (PF) and metastatic spinal cord compression (MSCC) in patients with bone metastases (BM) from prostate cancer.