Laika breed
Laika breed

This is a paramount squirrel hunting dog. In North America the WSL is currently hunting feral hogs, bear, cougar, bobcat, raccoon, opossum, squirrel, etc. The term laika means a dog that barks, or a barking dog. These dogs also bay moose for the hunter to come in to take the shot. Giving no voice while running, but opening up to continous barking once the quarry is cornered or treed. The WSL is not a catch dog, but a bay dog and once the quarry is found he is run until bayed up in a tree or cornered on the ground. However, due to his natural primitive hunting instincts and ability to survive these dogs just do not charge into dangerous quarry and get hurt. The tenacity of the WSL on dangerous quarry is well known and is considered a paramont Russian grizzly bear or bore hunter. The WSL has desire to catch small quarry on the ground if he can. This is different to many modern hound type of dogs that give voice as soon as scent is detected. Once the squirrel runs up the tree to escape the hot pursuit, the WSL will then give voice.

laika breed

If a squirrel is found feeding on the ground the WSL will try to catch it before it gets to a tree and if it is not caught the WSL will continue to chase it until treed, this chase on the ground is silent. However any quarry chased on the ground is run silently until it is bayed up in a tree. Once quarry is found in the tree the dog will naturally bark and follow the quarry from tree to tree. In Russia and more particularly in the Western Siberia region of Russia the West Siberian Laika is used on quarry that reside in the trees, such as squirrel and sable, which is similar to the North American pine marten. For example, most Laikas naturally look up into the tree canopy for animals, whereas this is a hunting trait that some modern hunting dogs never seem to learn. The natural hunting instincts of the Laika is much different than most modern domestic breeds of hunting dogs. However, with that said, the breed is always preserved to be a natural hunter of various quarry. In the early 1900's the Russians made more effort to fix the individual breed characteristics of the breed and established an actual breed standard. Although many specimens look wolfy in color pattern, this is not a wolf hybrid, but rather it is an established breed of dog developed in Russia.

laika breed

For example, he has little to no "doggy" body odor, females comes into estrus usually only one time of year, generally has puppies in the spring, regurgitates food for puppies, is capable of digging a den in the earth for whelping puppies, and has extreme acute senses that are naturally used for hunting purposes. This domestic breed of dog shares many primitive breed characteristics to his wild ancestors.

laika breed

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Laika breed